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Thursday 20 November 2014

BHARTIYA SANSKRITI~~The benefit of mustard oil

Mustard oil is considered a panacea for the body and are very helpful . Mustard oil is of vegetable origin and is obtained from seeds of the black and white (Sinapis alba) mustard plants. In the crude state, black mustard oil (Brassica nigra, light color) has a spicy odor and a strong taste. When refined it is neutral in odor and taste. White mustard oil (yellow color) has a bitingly pungent taste due to the allyl mustard oil it contains.
Mustard oil is a fatty vegetable oil extracted from the mustard seeds. It is dark yellow in color and slightly pungent. There are generally three types of mustard oils depending upon the manner of extraction. The first is a fatty vegetable oil obtained by pressing the mustard seeds. The second one is a essential oil that is made by grinding the seeds, mixing them with water and extracting the oil through distillation. The third process involves infusing mustard seed extract with other vegetable oils such as soy bean oil. All three categories of oil have a pungent nutty taste and a strong aroma.
. The correct use of the medicine will not be needed, because the analgesic properties of mustard oil are: two drop persecuted as earache ear Tpakaan lukewarm mustard oil, regardless of garlic, add two to four buds. If you are troubled by arthritis in mustard oil mixed with camphor massage relieves the pain. If the pain a little asafoetida, mustard oil, celery, garlic and reheat and put it on her waist, calf pain, and then lukewarm mustard oil should be massaged. Mustard oil is fit to heart. Today we skin, hair and are told about the benefits associated with health.
The gain from mustard oil –
Mustard oil also has anti-fungal properties due to the presence of a substance called allyl isothiocyanate that inhibits fungal growth. Hence, this oil can treat rashes and other skin infections caused by fungi.
Mustard oil is an effective mosquito repellent as it can deter insects with its sharp aroma. Thus, it helps in preventing malaria and other insect-borne diseases.

to-control asthma in mustard seeds selenium and magnesium are found in more quantity. These are anti-Inflametri. Eating mustard oil daily asthma, colds and the problems are covered in Brest.

 in B-complex vitamins weight Krna- mustard seeds such as folate, Thiyamain, niacin, riboflavin occurs. Mustard oil increases metabolism of our body, which is easy to lose weight.Anti-Aging in

to-mustard Karotins, Jiyksathins and lutein, vitamins A, C and are rich in content. Due to all these vitamins are antioxidants which it traces the rising edge, removes wrinkles and wrinkle.
4-appetite-enhancing identity of a good health only when you are hungry public. It should also be good for your health. Mustard oil is best for it. Mustard oil gastric juice in the stomach acts as our Aepitaijr, which increases appetite. So today begin to use mustard oil in food. Eat well and stay healthy.

 for the prevention of cancer is Glukojilolet in mustard oil, which, due to the anti-cancer properties of cancer tumors (lumps) prevents. Due to the beneficial properties of mustard Glukojilolet and works to protect Kororektl cancer.


Mustard oil is a great remedy for dry chapped lips when lip balms or chap sticks prove to be ineffective. Before going to bed, just apply one or two drops of mustard oil on your belly button and you will never have dry or chapped lips. This is an ancient remedy which has proven to be effective in moisturizing and softening your lips.
Mustard oil acts as a hair vitalizer to combat hair loss and baldness as well as treat dry and damaged hair. It prevents scalp infections by inhibiting fungal growth and keeping it hydrated. The best way is to apply a mixture of warm mustard, coconut, olive and almond oils and massage your hair for 15 to 20 minutes. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wash your hair after 2 to 3 hours, using a mild shampoo. This will make your hair long, thick and lustrous.
Mustard oil is considered a natural remedy for asthma and sinusitis. In case of an asthma attack, massaging the chest with brown mustard oil instead of the usual vapor rubs can give relief as breathing in the vapor improves airflow to the lungs. You can also mix one teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of mustard oil and have a spoonful several times a day. Alternatively, swallow a mixture of one teaspoon of honey and mustard oil thrice a day. These remedies are effective in controlling asthma.
Also mustard oil has proved useful in relieving cold and cough, when applied onto chest or inhaled for its strong aroma, it helps in removing phlegm from the respiratory tract.

It has an added advantage of relieving 
pain especially in case of Arthritis; it helps in easing joint pain

BHARTIYA SANSKRITI~~Aloe-vira -Some use full tips

The useful parts of aloe Vira are the gel and
latex. The gel is obtained from the cells in the center of the leaf; and the latex is obtained from the cells just beneath the leaf skin.

Aloe gel might cause changes in the skin that might help diseases like psoriasis.
 What if you were told that consuming a glass of aloe juice once a day could give you flawless, healthy skin? Yes, as awful as it may taste, the effects of drinking just one glass of juice will have immediate effects on your skin, as Aloe Vera contains collagen, which prevents aging and repairs skin. This bitter gel is also great for burns and cuts.

Aloe seems to be able to speed wound healing by improving blood circulation through the area and preventing cell death around a wound.

 Aloe Vera introduces necessary bacteria in the gut that ensure healthy bowel movement giving you good digestive strength.

Since it takes time to digest, it uses up energy and helps aide weight loss. The juice of aloe vera regulates the immune system of the body and also helps in detoxification as it has essential anti-oxidants.

To Use Aloe Vera
Banish black and blue bruises by swapping on the good goo. Soothe and heal sunburns the feel-good way. Aloe contains cooling properties similar to menthol.
Pamper yourself to a soothing body rub. Slice aloe leaves lengthwise and use the inner sides as a biodegradable body scrub in the shower. Treat burns from minor mishaps in the kitchen—from grease splatters or hot utensils. For more major kitchen mishaps like a scald, mix some aloe gel and vitamin E oil into a little jar for a homemade burn healer.
  Take the sting or itch out of insect bites. Reduce tissue damage from frostbite. Alleviate mysterious rashes.
 Make feet baby soft with an exfoliating foot mask by mixing together a half cup of oatmeal, a half cup of corn meal, four tbsp. of aloe vera gel and a half cup of unscented body lotion. Help heal herpes outbreaks. Fight Athlete's Foot. Swab over blisters for quick relief. Use as an antidote to allergic skin reactions.Replace creams and lotions as a general moisturizer for dry skin. Aloe is fast absorbing Prevent pesky pimples and treat acne. Soothe Psoriasis. Prevent scarring and stretch marks. Help rid of Rosacea. Shrink warts. Reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles. Cleopatra did. Help eliminate Eczema.
 Brighten skin.  For rougher patches mix together an organic salt skin scrub using two cups of sea salt, one cup of aloe vera, one cup of organic coconut oil and two tbsp. of local, organic honey.Speed up hair growth by massaging aloe into the scalp, letting it sit for 30 minutes, and rinsing.Reduce hair dandruff by mixing aloe vera juice with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. Massage into scalp and rinse. Replace aloe with conditioner for silkier, smoother hair. Remove eye makeup. Treat minor vaginal irritations. Treat minor vaginal irritations. Drink aloe vera juice to relieve gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion. Sip it to aid in elimination. Many times, it's recommended for its laxative effects. Take a swig to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome including bloating and discomfort. Take aloe orally to relieve heartburn, arthritis and rheumatism pain. Boil leaves in a pan of water and breathe in the vapor to alleviate asthma. Drink to lower blood sugar levels—especially for diabetics. Strengthen gums and promote strong, healthy teeth by taking orally or use toothpaste with aloe vera ingredients. Drink to help ease congestion, stomach ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections and prostate problems. Take orally to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides for a healthy heart. Sip to minimize inflammation and infection of the eye and ear. Toast to its general detoxifier and health boosting qualities.Aloe can decrease pigmentation and dark spots. Make skin new again with an exfoliating, organic sugar scrub by mixing together two tbsp. of aloe vera, 2 tbsp. of organic brown sugar and 1 tsp. of organic lemon juice.

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