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Thursday 7 January 2016

*CarroT JuicE*~~How to make Naturally sweet and delicious ant-oxidants carrot juiec

 *CarroT JuicE*~~How to make Naturally sweet and delicious ant-oxidants carrot juiec

Carrots area unit thus naturally sweet and delicious! Carrot may be a relative of parsley and celery, and contains many carotenes and minerals that contribute to life extension properties as powerful anti-oxidants. juice is nice for eyes and therefore the system because it helps out the assembly and performance of white blood cells. It will facilitate lower steroid alcohol and sure skin conditions likeskin disease and skin disease, all whereas keeping the systema respiratorium proof againstinfections. It reduces the danger of stroke and helps relieve painful joints from rheumatism andinflammatory disease

1inch piece fresh turmeric or ¼ to ½ teaspoon dried

6 carrots
1-inch piece ginger
½ lemon, peeled (optional to alkalize and lift the flavors)
½ cup water
⅛ teaspoon dried cinnamon

 ingredients through your juicer  alternating the carrots with the turmeric and ginger (to get the most juice out of them) and then drink pulped or strain with a fine mesh sieve. Stir through the cinnamon, and dilute with water if desired.thy and tastey Winter Carrot Juice

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