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Thursday 20 November 2014

BHARTIYA SANSKRITI ~~Irritating to mouth ulcers, then follow these home remedies


Lack of nutrition, stress and eating disorder is being ulcers. However, the bacteria Helicobacter pylori ulcers or a type h. Pylori is also due. Ulcers of various kinds, such as gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer or gastric ulcer. They have not treated at the right time is the cause of many diseases. Today we have some home remedies to cure ulcers are telling you. They can get rid of your tax ulcers.

1. Honey

The city is beneficial in many diseases, because it keeps the body and Dihadreshn removes Moishcr. Additionally, it also reduces the marks and stains quickly enhances the new tissue. However, the anti-microbial effects ulcers are very soon. Round off the honey should be mixed with turmeric paste or it should make.

2. Basil

Basil is very beneficial in ulcers. This is a Adaptojen Herb, it is extremely effective in reducing the stress. Ulcers of the small basil leaves with water three to four times a day should eat everyday. It soon becomes an ulcer does not happen again.

3. Banana

Banana is one of the most effective measures for peptic ulcer. Bananas reduce the acidity of a substance. The effect is less irritation caused by ulcers. Severely affected patients with peptic ulcer and a glass of milk 2-3 times a day, take two bananas.

4. Almonds

Almond nuts are considered warm, but it is very beneficial to ulcers. Grinding almonds with milk victims should therefore ulcers. Ulcers in the morning and evening to drink a few days to recover.

5. Likaris (liquorice)

There are many medicinal properties of licorice. Anti-inflammatory substances found in science also have been told about. It reduces the pain of ulcers. It should liquorice powder with water or it should ulcers. Furthermore, it is also mixed with turmeric powder can be applied to ulcers
6. poppy seeds (poppy)
The cooling effect on the ulcer is very effective. According to Ayurveda, the more heat from the body are mouth ulcers. It should eat poppy seeds. In the body that cause the coolness. V

7. Coconut

Dried coconut, coconut oil and coconut water, in these three cysts reward. Coconut water has a cooling effect on the body. Applying or eating fresh coconut on coconut oil cysts may reduce pain and quicker recovery of cysts happens.

8. Poha

Poha is very beneficial for ulcers. Poha and fennel powder by mixing equal amounts of water should take. The mixture should drink daily, morning, noon and evening. It gives comfort to ulcers.

9. Methidana

Methidane drink boiled in water relief in peptic ulcer. These are lightweight Lislise Methidane boiling. They remain on Lislise rash stomach ulcers and went to work as a security blanket. This relieves the patient.

10. Milk

However, gastric acid is made from milk, but when the ulcer should drink cold water mixed in the same amount of milk. It should be in moderation. It is found in a few days rest.
Sea Salt and Hydrogen Peroxide
Both sea salt and hydrogen peroxide have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Hence, you can use the ingredients separately or in an effective combination to cure mouth ulcers or canker sores.
1. Add two teaspoons each of sea salt and 3% hydrogen peroxide to a glass of warm water. Mix it well.
2. Use it as a mouth rinse.
3. Repeat once or twice a day. Make sure you do not swallow the solution.

Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1 cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime. Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day.


Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water. Remove when slightly warm gargle. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Eating raw tomatoes helps rid mouth ulcers. Can also gargle with tomato juice 3-4 times a day.
Make a paste of Indian gooseberry and apply it on the sore directly. Repeat this process at least twice a day and notice the quick results.

Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1 cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime. Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day.
Make your own antiseptic mouthwash with ten drops of tea tree oil in 1/3 cup of water. Swish this mouthwash for more than 30 seconds and spit it out. This helps you cure the infection and heals the sore.
Dissolve half teaspoon salt in one cup of water to make a salt water mouthwash. Now swish this mouthwash for at least 30 seconds, and then spit it out. Also you can gargle with lukewarm salt water for better results.
Bicarbonate of soda also helps you get rid of these painful sores.
Dab two drops of tea tree oil directly on the ulcer, doing this will reduce the redness around the sore and also reduces the inflammation caused
Another quick way of treating mouth ulcer in short duration is by using cranberry juice. Hold the juice in the mouth over the ulcer for better results.
You can even use plain yogurt to treat these canker sores.
Eat raw salad with plenty of onions; this will help you make the ulcers disappear.



In morning to clean the stomach, you feel fresh all day.Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person. Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week. Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long. After three days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass. However, eating disorder, is running a life full of trouble every morning. Constipation is not just old, but the young are also upset. But with a little care, it can be controlled.

How Is Constipation Diagnosed?

Most people do not need extensive testing to diagnose constipation. Only a small number of patients with constipation have a more serious medical problem. If you have constipation for more than two weeks, you should see a doctor so he or she can determine the source of your problem and treat it. If constipation is caused by colon cancer, early detection and treatment is very important.

Constipation is a common problem, which is sometimes caused by eating the wrong habits. Constipation can cause you to miss important meeting of office. So today we have to remove it due to its domestic measures that are told, which will disappear in chronic constipation fingertips. The material will be available in the kitchen. First know what it Karn-
Due to constipation
Inadequate water intake
Inadequate fiber in the diet
A disruption of regular diet or routine; traveling
Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
Eating large amounts of dairy products
Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids

Overuse of laxatives (stimulant laxatives such as senna (Senokot)) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles

Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis
Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum
Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics,

 food fiber (Fibers) lacks.
. dehydrate.
 short walk or work, do not have any kind of physical exertion.
 certain drugs
 wound or injury in the large intestine (or colon cancer)
 to be low thyroid hormone
 calcium and potassium deficiency
 digestive problem in diabetic patients
 tea, coffee, drink too much. To smoke and drink alcohol.
 do not eat at the right time.

1-linseed seeds

They are also high in fiber. It gives relief from diseases like

constipation. Good for Rijhlt Kornfleks morning mixed with linseed you can eat seeds or flax seeds handful can eat in the morning with warm water. Fiber in your diet to be sure. Stay out of trouble like this constipation. With linseed seeds constipation diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer risk is lower.

2-triphwderala powder

Awanla triphala powder, the powder is made from Hritaki and Vibitaki drugs. The digestion problems such as balanced lives and relieves constipation. You eat a teaspoon of triphala powder with warm water or mix the powder with honey can eat. The mixture before bed at night or in the morning on an empty stomach immediately relieves constipation by eating. It is entirely made of drugs, so it is better than anti-biotic drugs.


Raisins are rich in fiber and acts as natural laxatives. Put a handful of raisins soaked in water overnight and eat it in the morning on an empty stomach. Pregnant women without any side effects of the drug for constipation. Energy Booster is like raisins, so it is better than any energy drink.


Guava is a fair amount of fiber in the pulp and seeds. The intake of

food is digested quickly and relieves acidity. Additionally, the stomach is clear. Guava with stomach also strengthens the body's immune system, thereby increasing their ability to fight disease.

5-lemon juice

For immediate relief from constipation often doctor says to take the lemon juice. Lemon and salt in a glass of warm water mixed drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The intestines of the body element of the waste is recycled. For a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt together again before the fresh morning drink juice. It also pass out of the body of toxins.


Cooked or dried figs, works like laxatives, because it is much higher amounts of fiber. To get relief from constipation in a glass of milk a few pieces of fig and at night before bedtime drink boil. Mind you, the drink warm milk. Whole fig syrup to eliminate constipation drugs found in medical shop is very powerful.

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