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Thursday 20 November 2014


Often fatigue, weakness remain, grow pale skin, swelling of the hands and feet are the symptoms of anemia. A person is said to have anemia when the number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is low. Hemoglobin is a protein present inside the red blood cells and it helps in the transportation of oxygen to various parts of the body. Women are more prone to anemia. TMore women than men are bothered by this problem. For those who are very low levels of hemoglobin in the blood, they become victims of anemia.

What causes anemia

Low levels of iron is the most common cause of anemia. This is known as iron-deficiency anemia, the most common type of anemia. Factors that can reduce the body's iron levels include:

Blood loss (caused by ulcers, some cancers, and other conditions; and, in women, during monthly periods) An iron-poor diet
An increase in the body's need for iron (for instance, during pregnancy).

Anyone can develop iron-deficiency anemia, although the following groups have a higher risk:

women, because of blood loss during monthly periods and childbirth

people over 65, who are more likely to have diets that are low in iron
people who are on blood thinners such as aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin, or heparin
people who have kidney failure (especially if they are on dialysis), because they have trouble making red blood cells people who have trouble absorbing iron.

Blood Tests and Blood Smears    

The basic lab tests for diagnosing anemia are a complete blood count (CBC) and blood smears. A complete blood count is performed to assess the red blood cells. It yields two important numbers:

Hemoglobin—a protein found in red blood cells
Hematocrit—the percentage blood made up by red blood cells
A technician will classify your blood by color, size, and shape. A blood test can also measure the amount of ferritin, an important iron-storage protein. Low ferritin levels indicate chronic iron deficiency.

Anemia patients iron, vitamin B, folic acid deficiency. Sometimes the disease may be hereditary reasons. Lack of blood in your body focus on your diet. Let us know what you eat things off the blood rises and falls anemia.

Take a glass of apple juice. Mix in a glass of beet juice and honey to taste. Drink it daily. The juice is high in iron.

teaspoons sesame and soak in water for 2 hours. Make a paste by grinding sesame filtered water. Add the 1 tablespoon honey and eat it twice a day.

Baked mango pulp if your blood sugar is higher if taken with milk.

Bathe in cold water twice a day. Sit in the morning sunlight.

Tea and coffee to drink a little, because it inhibits the body's absorption of iron.

Indian sarsaperilla, with the same amount of cinnamon and anise with a sip of tea. Take one day at a time. Blood loss will be solved.

Corn are nutritious for anemia patients. These Senkkr big delicious food grain it takes. Increases blood boil eating maize grains.

Chew-chew eat peanut seeds with jaggery.

Srpunkha approximately 20 ml of the juice from the leaves and beans and mix with 2 tablespoons honey. Take this mixture in the morning and evening. It cleans the blood and increases.

Increasing blood diet wheat, gram, moth, bean sprout and lemon together, eat breakfast.

Sitopladi powder 50 grams, 50 grams of chemicals to Aml, Ashwagandha extract 50 grams, 10 grams of powder Asparagus, Siddhmkr flag 5 grams, 10 grams Luhbsm 100 cyst, Ashta square powder 25 grams, 300 grams of honey. The total amount of 5 to 10 grams sweet milk morning and evening Piann Chatkr. The drug increases the blood.

Salt and garlic to the sauce with regular meals. Hemoglobin is shortage.

Phalsa food increases blood. False fruit or sorbet very early in the morning and evening to get comfortable.

Adiantum powder making plant with honey is using blood purification and blood flow in the body seems to be clear. Lick the powder with honey or water carry away the blood increases and decreases anemia complaint.

Spinach, mustard, Bathua, peas, fenugreek,

coriander, mint and tomatoes must include in your diet.

Berries and amla juice mixed with equal amounts of drinking increases the level of hemoglobin in the body. There is no shortage of blood.

Day by drinking a glass of tomato juice is far too anemic. Tomato soup can also be consumed by.

Chestnut body provides strength and enhances blood. There are many important nutrients are found. Raw Singadhe consumption is rapidly increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the body.

Papaya, grapefruit, guava, banana, apple, sapota and lemon drink.

anaj, Lentils, raisins, raisins and eat carrots. Also, be sure to sleep at night with the body of palm milk.

Aloe vera juice regularly eat daily. 30 ml aloe vera juice 30 minutes before breakfast, take a day every day.

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