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Thursday 20 November 2014

BHARTIYA SANSKRITI~~ Beautui Tips & Skin care

Nowadays most people to make themselves beautiful Use the numerous cosmetic products and reaction times of these products also have to face. To avoid these problems, we now have to get to their roots, one being the traditional herbal knowledge will adopt centuries. Today we will mention certain herbal formulations, which leverage its beauty, women have been using for years.

- Cucumber is a healthy fruit, whose intake must do once a week. Additionally, cucumber

is considered very beneficial for the skin. It is clear the body heat from food. Gloing cucumber juice on the face to make the skin by making a paste Find or cucumbers.

Make it a habit to drink minimum 8 glasses of water everyday. Also practice to take foods which are rich in Vitamin A and C. They help you a lot to look beautiful naturally. To maintain the shine on your skin, you can try to mix honey with water and drink it daily while you wake up from sleep. Your skin shall not only shine but also become smooth.

            We all know that our skin needs a moisturizer. To hydrate our skin naturally, one can try to massage the skin with milk. This will also keep the fresh glow of the skin intact.

               Keep the temperature of your room mild such that your skin doesn’t get too much dried. To have a mild effect on your skin, as you need to keep the room temperature moderate, go for humidifiers.

              Take a bath with lukewarm water and always remember to use a mild soap. Don’t use hot water as it will make your skin all the more dry. Be gentle while rubbing your skin with a towel; never be harsh with your skin.

  Always try to eat uncooked raw fruits and fresh vegetables. After cooking and heating the food, the fluorine is destroyed – whose deficiency can lead to scaly skin. Remember that the deficiency of sodium can cause a wrinkled skin. Nobody would want such a skin. To combat wrinkles on your skin, have lots of cucumber. It acts as a substitute for sodium deficiency. Not only rich in sodium, cucumber is also an enabler to keep your body cool – provides a great relief during summers.

As these are natural beauty tips for girls, they give more effective results. The look of your skin is healthier. Opt for such natural beauty tips and you will discover the magic soon.

- If you have dark spots on your face and massage gently to bring the potato slices. Find the face of potato juice. Is putting on face to face Rose sparkles.

- Coconut water is very beneficial. That day, the coconut water face shone. Coconut water has become the face wash away the stains. Coconut paste by putting on face paint looks Nikrne.

  Banana is very good for the skin. Once baked banana mash well. Find her face like the face pack. Wash it after 15 minutes. After being washed in the blood of sandalwood paste face. It is believed that doing so tremendous in facial skin become.

- Strawberry and mash the ripe fruits, and put it on the face and wash it after 15 minutes, so it acts like a tonic for the face.

- Mix two tablespoons of tomato juice and half a teaspoon of honey. Find this mixture on the face and wash after 20 minutes. Face look Kantiwan.

  Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients. So it is very beneficial to the
skin. Are you upset with dark complexion, the tomato paste by grinding it and put it on the face. Will face off stains and colors will Nikrne.

 Yolk, the yolk is the face by applying fairness. Eggs, honey and lemon put together. Wash the face with cold water, then dried pack. Skin starts Glu.

  While the effect of papaya is considered warm, but is very beneficial for the skin. There is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. So many benefits of papaya to find it with food.

Skin whitening grind a piece of papaya. Find a thick paste it on your face. Leave the paste on the face, took an hour. Wash the face. The recipe seems to be regularly repeated fairness.

- Basil is the gift of God. It just does not heal illnesses, but also acts as a tonic for the skin. Make them with a few leaves of basil juice

  Mix two tablespoons of tomato juice and half a teaspoon of honey. Find this mixture on the face and wash after 20 minutes. Face look Kantiwan.

- In many areas, traditional herbal face pack with honey prepare doctor. According to these experts, flour, honey, olives, mixed with milk cream and put it on the face. The mix 3 tablespoons flour, honey, milk, cream and add 1-1 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply on face and wash off with clean water after 20 minutes.

In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is considered best to refine texture. Put a pinch of turmeric mixed with milk on the face texture is Nikrti. By applying rouge besan mixed with turmeric face seems to Glu.

- Yogurt is rich in many nutrients. Eat yogurt and determine the benefits of both appears on the face. Take a spoonful of yogurt every morning to face massage. After drying, wash face. This recipe is a regular on the fairness and Pinpls are over.

  Lemon skin works like a wonder drug. Lemon juice and put it on the face for fairness. Wash face later. By applying lemon juice mixed with tomato juice is also cleansing the skin and seems to be blond.

- Oranges are rich in vitamin C. It is considered to be very good for the skin. The skin becomes healthy eating and putting oranges. To refine by skin color orange juice every day and put it on the face.

- Dry wash it. If stains on the face, use the skins of oranges. Take the dried powder shade of orange skins. A teaspoon of this powder mixed with raw milk quantity and put it on her face. Colors will Nikrne.

 Moisturizers have immense power 

 Doesn’t matter whether your skin is dry, normal or oily, moisturizers is the one skin care products which all of you will be able to afford. You can also use a mild cleanser before using a moisturizer. Moisturizers will also take care of the aging wrinkles and prevent premature aging. It adds moisture to your skin and your skin pores get hydrated and rejuvenated. If you have an oily skin, you should opt for a light, gentle moisturizer.

Always use a sunscreen

 Sunscreen is the best anti-aging product. It has an added advantage of reducing skin cancer – also a good beauty product which acts as an amazing beauty secret to make you look young. Sunscreen blocks the sun's damaging rays, in a way helping to block the aging effects. Make it a point to use sunscreen regularly before applying makeup; it acts as an extra protection.

      Choose a good cleanser 

   If you have a fetish for soap and water, go for a good cleansing strategy. It is one of the best beauty tips that can make you look beautiful and use it strategically. Do not over-cleanse your face but! Using a harsh product can cause irritation on your skin surface. Choose the product looking at the brand name.

50 fairness tips:How to get fair skin naturally at home by home remedies

1. Scrub a half of lemon on your face daily to lighten your skin tone. Lemon is an excellent bleaching agent, and it is very helpful in ironing out the blemishes of the face. Try this home remedy for getting fair skin at home.

2. Squeeze a juice of potato in a bowl, and apply this on your skin to bleach your face. Your skin's will get fair gradually after using this home remedy .

3. Use tomato mashed tomato pulp on your skin to give a pinkish glow to your skin. Tomato is very good for giving you fair skin tone . Home remedy of tomato also absorbs excess oil of your face to treat open pores of your face.

4. Home remedy of lemon juice and honey in equal quantity and apply on the skin to get fair skin.

5. Take half teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon; apply on your face to get fair skin at home.

6. Apply cucumber juice with lemon juice to lighten your skin. This home remedy is very useful for making oily skin fair.

7. Apply plain curd on your skin to get fair and soft skin. Curd is a good source of zinc and lactic acid, both aid in lightening the skin tone.Curd is an excellent home remedy for getting fair skin.

8. Apply coconut water to get fair and flawless skin at home . This home remedy is helpful in lightening the scar of chicken pox also.

9. Massage your skin with almond oil or olive oil to get fair and soft skin, you can add a pinch of saffron to get better results. You can use this home remedy for your small babies at home also.

10. Mix 1 spoon of milk powder, 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of almond oil. Apply this concoction on your skin; leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off. This is an effective skin lightening mask. This home remedy gives excellent results in getting fair skin at home.

11. Home remedy of Cucumber juice mixed with honey is very useful for making dry skin fairer.

12. Apply egg white on face twice a week to get fairer skin. Use this home remedy if you have to make your oily skin fair at home.

13. Mix oatmeal, curd with tomato to make a face pack for getting fair skin at home.

14. Mash a tomato and pour 4-5 drops of lemon juice, and apply this home remedy on your skin to get fair skin.

15. Mix papaya, honey, milk and milk power, and apply this home remedy on your skin to get fairer face instantly. This remedy is good for oily skin.

16. Apply sandalwood paste mixed with almond oil to get fair skin. This home remedy is a good home facial for getting fair skin at home.

17. Soak up almonds in the raw milk overnight, and grind it to apply on your skin. It is an excellent home remedy in giving you fairer skin tone.

18. Using raw milk on your skin lightens your skin tone. You can use this remedy on your babies also to get fair skin.

19. Clean your face with raw milk in which a pinch of saffron is added. Use this home remedy with cotton pads daily to get fairer and clearer skin at home daily.

20. Use home remedy of fuller's earth (multani mitti) with sandal wood paste to get fair and glowing skin at home.

21. Take 2 table spoon gram flour(besan) , 1 spoon of raw milk, 6 drops of lime juice with few drops of olive oil to make face pack to get fair skin. This home remedy is good for all skin types.

22. Boil cumin seeds in water, and rinse your face with this water to reveal fair and radiant skin. Use this home remedy for getting fair and radiant skin at home.

23. Apply lentil (masoor daal) with milk or curd. This home remedy is very good face pack for getting fair face ,and body. Use it daily to get results in 15 days.

24. Grind the dried orange peel and mix it with milk or curd to l get fair skin tone.

25. Boil radish in the water and apply this water on the face to get fair skin at home.

26. Soak black gram (urad) with 4 almonds in the raw milk and grind it in the morning. Apply this pack on your skin to get excellent results to lighten your skin in few days if used daily. This home remedy is excellent in getting fair skin at home.

27. Mix 2 spoon of mint juice with half spoon of lemon juice.Use this home remedy on your skin to get fairer skin; this pack knocks out the whiteheads as well as exfoliates the skin.

28. Apply the juice of ripe pineapple to get fair skin naturally at home.

29. Mix cucumber pulp (grated) with curd to apply on your skin, and see your skin gets fairer in few days.Try this home remedy for sure.

30. Home remedy of Fuller's earth (multani mitti) mixed with rose water to make it skin lightener for oily skin.

31. Mix watermelon with papaya to get makes a fairness face pack to get fair skin at home for oily skin.

32. Grind chirongi (sunflower seeds) which has been soaked up in milk overnight with few strands of saffron to get fairer skin. 

This remedy is best for very dark skinned people. Use this remedy to daily to make even dusky complexion lighter. It will take time to improve your complexion if you have dark skin, but it will work surely. So, have patience. You can trust this home remedy if if have really dusky tone, it will help you in getting fair skin at home in few months or years.

33. Apply turmeric with honey and lemon to get fairer skin. Do not use this if have dark skin.

34. You can use this excellent home remedy of liquorice with honey to get fair skin.

35. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 spoon of curd, 1 spoon of fuller's earth, 1 spoon of honey to make a face pack to make your skin fair as well as tightening the skin.This home remedy is helpful in getting fair skin at home.

36. Take 2 spoon of sugar with juice of a lemon to scrub your face. Scrub your face till sugar granules do not melt . Use it on your face, neck, elbows, legs to get fairer and softer skin. Do not do this if you have pimples on your face as pimples will burst in the process of scrubbing. This home remedy is helpful in getting you fair and smooth skin.

37. Use home remedy of lentil with rice after grinding to make it a skin lightening scrub for your face.

38. Home remedy made by Mixing turmeric, cream (malai) and gram flour to exfoliate your face on the alternate day to get fairer skin. Exercise caution while using turmeric, as it will give yellowish tinge to your face.

39. Spray rose water on the skin to get fair skin.

40. Breadcrumbs with cream (malai), when applied daily make you fair.

41. Face pack of saffron with cream( malai )makes you fair.

42. Malai with besan(gram flour) is the best for dry skin, this home remedy will help you in getting you fair skin.

43. Malai with curd works well in making you fairer. Try this home remedy to get creamy and fair skin at home.

44. Home remedy of Curd with honey is a skin lightener. Use this home remedy for 15 days to get fairer skin like never before.

45. Home remedy of Curd with lemon works good for giving you fair and silky skin.

46. Curd with tomato will give you excellent result, if you use it before bedtime daily. Try this home remedy for getting fair skin at home.

47. Coconut oil is helpful in giving you light skin.

48. Milk and chapatti (bread) is very good fairness facial mask at home. Mash bread (chapatti) in milk to make a paste to apply, see results in just 15 minutes after washing off. this home remedy helps you in getting you fair skin at home.

49. Home remedy of Milk powder with honey makes your skin light and eases out fine lines of dry skin.

50. Home remedy of Milk with honey will help in getting you fairer if you use it daily.

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