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Thursday 20 November 2014

BHARTIYA SANSKRITI~~ Banifits of raw food

 What Is raw Food Diet?

It is a way of eating that involves a huge dietary increase in the number of unprocessed

and uncooked fruits and vegetables, as well as seeds, nuts, grains (mostly sprouted) and beans. A food is considered raw if it is uncooked or “prepared” below 116°F, as above this temperature range, food begins to loose its essential nutrients and enzymes, or its “vital life force."more we can eat foods that maintain that aliveness, the more “life force” we ourselves will be able to embody. Remember Life=Life and Death=Death. More than half a century ago in his book Prescription for Energy, Charles de Coti-Marsh explained, “By eating live foods you create a live body. Live foods contain essential nutrients the body needs to create and maintain energy. Dead foods advance age, decrease ability, and decrease energy. they are useless when dead”The best way to approach raw foods is to gradually incorporate more and more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet. A good start is to try to eat 75% raw and 25% lightly cooked (especially in regard to whole grains). Although I personally do not condone eating meat, I have added the safest meats to eat (upon request from consumers) in this general raw food diet plan so some people can make a gradual transition to a 100% raw diet.With all the food you dream of good health nurse, your diet must include a raw vegetable or fruit. Experts believe that raw fruits and vegetables to help digest food, provide essential nutrients to the body. According to experts, there is no choice of raw vegetables and fruits.Dietitian DR. Amita Singh raw fruits and vegetables to clear the way for the remaining food. Raw fruits and vegetables rich in fibers for the remaining food in the digestive system to clear the way. For example, if you are going to eat pizza, salad eat his ex. If you are going to eat ice cream, then eat an apple before.This process also helps to digest a heavy meal. "He said: "They spread the fibers go into the stomach, which seems to be less food to feel full stomach. This can be avoided by having excessive eating. Fiber diet may also help the digestive system moving forward.DR. Ankur Joshi 'day a raw fruit or raw vegetables with every meal helps the body to health. Raw vegetables and  Digestive enzymes are present in high amounts in fruits, which are helpful to digest the remaining food. "Raw fruits contain vitamins and minerals are also plentiful. There are many medicines and tablets in the market for vitamins, but is no substitute for raw fruit. The body's supply of vitamin pills, but the natural source of vitamin pills to eliminate the possibility of far-reaching effects. "Physicians DR. Kalpana Jain said women to overcome health problems should include raw vegetables in your diet.Several studies have proved that women in their food throughout the year must include at least one raw vegetable. To overcome the problems with it after menopause reduces the risk of diabetes. "He said: "There are antioxidants in raw vegetables, which addressed the issue of blood pressure is.Raw foodists say that enzymes are the life force of a food. Nature hasgiven each food its unique perfect mix. These vital enzymes allow ustofully digest our foods without having to rely on our own digestiveenzymes. According to the Vanderbilt University Psychology Departmentraw foodists say that the cooking process destroys or alters these enzymes, as well as essential vitamins and mineralsHow is Raw Food Prepared?

Raw beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors that are normally destroyed with cooking. The nutrients can be released by soaking them (germination) or sprouting them.Germination involves soaking in water for a specific amount of time. Although the recommended germination times vary from 2 hours (for cashews) up to one day (for mung beans), some raw foodists say that soaking overnight is sufficient and more convenient. It's important to start with dried, raw, preferably organic seeds, beans, legumes, or nuts.Rinse beans, nuts, legumes, or seeds and place in a glass container. Add room temperature purified water to cover and soak at room temperature overnight. Mung beans, however, require a full 24 hours. Rinse a couple of times prior to use.Sprouting After germination, seeds, beans, and legumes can be sprouted. After they are drained during the final step of the germination process, place them in a container for sprouting. Leave them at room tmperature for the recommended time. The seed, bean, or legume will open and a sprout will grow from it. Rinse the sprouted nuts or seeds and drain well. They can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.Dehydrating.Foods can be heated, never above 118 F, using a piece of equipment called a dehydrator to simulate sun-drying. They are enclosed containers with heating elements to warm at low temperatures. A fan inside the dehydrator blows the warm air across the food, which is spread out on trays. Dehydrators can be used to make raisins, sundried tomatoes, kale chips, crackers, breads, croutons, and fruit leathers.

Foods can be blended or chopped using a food processor or blender, to make recipes for smoothies, pesto, soup, hmus.FermentingPicklingJuicing

What Equipment is Used to Prepare Raw Food?

Blender - to make smoothies, soup, nut milksThermometer - to ensure during heating that food stays below 118 FDehydrator - a piece of equipment that can blow air through food at low temperatures.JuicerMini-blender - for chopping or grinding small amounts of foodFood processorSpiral Slicer - cuts vegetables into spiral shapesLarge containers or trays to soak and sprout seeds, grains, and beansMason jars or sprouters
Besides Cooked Food, What Else Should I Avoid?
Some raw beans can be eaten after they have been soaked and sprouted, but others are considered unsafe to eat, such as kidney beans, soy beans, and fava beans. Other foods that are avoided include:Buckwheat greensMushroomsPeasPotatoesRhubarb leaveTaroCassava and cassava flourParsnips n a raw food diet, people usually avoid food grown with pesticides or made with preservatives, additives, food color or food dye.             

Benefits of the Raw Food Diet

So far, scientific support for the claims that the raw food diet can treat any condition is lacking. Proponents of the diet often claim it has certain health benefits such as:         Increased energy         Clearer skin         Weight loss         Reduced risk of disease         The raw food diet contains fewer trans fats and saturated fat than the typical Western diet. It is also low in sodium and sugar and high in potassium, magnesium, folate, fiber, vitamin A, and health-promoting antioxidants. These properties are associated with a reduced risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. For example, a study published in theJournal of Nutrition found that consumption of a raw food diet lowered plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.
         The raw food diet is also thought to have a favorable acid-alkaline balance, being low in acid-forming food. Too much acidity in the body is thought to result in disease.  Some proponents of the diet suggest that it may reduce inflammation because it contains fewer advanced glycation end products and other potentially damaging compounds.

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